The main goal of the project was to improve the quality of youth work through increasing the services which the participating organisations provide their target groups which include marginalised youth with complex trauma backgrounds. This was expected to be achieved through capacity building which included the development of a common innovative trauma-sensitive working model for the benefit of the aforementioned target group and which can be implemented internationally and in different areas.
The objective of the project was to develop a trauma-sensitive working model for professionals who work with marginalised youth with complex trauma backgrounds. The working model was based on the needs of these professionals (direct target group) as well as of the end-users of the project results (indirect target group of the aforementioned youth) and hence by developing this working model we strived to fill a gap which the consortium knew existed and which had been detected through its work.
The project implementation was based on the following work packages:
Work package n°1 - Project Management
Work package n°2 - Training
Work package n°3 - Pilot projects
Work package n°4 - Digital tool development
Work package n°5 - Dissemination & Quality Control & Transnational Project Meetings
It was expected that the project would bring positive impacts to the lives of the end-users of the project. Participation in trauma-sensitive therapy aimed to strengthen their self-belief, reduce their psychological unwellness and alleviating its symptoms, improve their ability to function, increasing their opportunities to live a crime- and drug-free life promoting the project’s utmost purpose which was to ease their social inclusion and their transition towards education and the labour market.