In this project we have developed a TRUST TRAUMA-SENSITIVE WORKING MODEL for the benefit of marginalised youth with complex trauma backgrounds.
The developed TRUST TRAUMA-SENSITIVE WORKING MODEL is based on the “stabilisation group model” which was originally created by the Finnish Trauma Therapy Centre and further developed by Silta-Valmennusyhdistys in Finland.
The SÄRÖ program (originally named Särkyneestä eheäksi "From Broken to Whole'') was a project for which the Silta-Valmennusyhdistys received a three-year (2021–2023) grant from the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (STEA - Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations). Silta-Valmennusyhdistys developed the SÄRÖ program in order for it to be suitable especially for use within the criminal justice framework and serve its target group better.
Based on the really good experiences gained from trauma-sensitive work in different areas in Finland, the objective of this project hence was to develop a common TRUST TRAUMA-SENSITIVE WORKING MODEL for professionals who work with marginalised youth with complex trauma and which can be implemented across Europe and incorporated into already existing rehabilitation systems.