Transnational Project Meetings

Transnational Project Meeting 1

The project’s kick-off meeting was held in Tampere Finland and hosted by the coordinating organisation Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry. 4 –5.05.2023. In this meeting the features of the project were deepened, all procedures concerning the project were dealt with. The project’s Management process and Implementation strategy was presented in detail to the consortium.

Transnational Project Meeting 2

The second project meeting was held online 5.12.2023 after training module 1 and 2 had been carried out. The team of Silta-Valmennusyhdistys presented the TRUST project DRAFT Facilitator's Handbook and answered questions concerning the piloting progress which will take place December 2023 - May 2024. Before the pilots began, a concept form for the pilots was created and circulated to the facilitators by UPSDA.

Transnational Project Meeting 3

The third project meeting was held online 3.6.2023 after the pilot projects had been carried out. All partners gave a brief presentation of their pilot project implementation. The implementation of the pending tasks were discussed and the dates for the TPM 4 and the Final Conference in Athens were decided.

Transnational Project Meeting 4 and Final Conference

The fourth and last project meeting took place in Athens Greece. In this wrap up meeting we focused on planning a further project proposal as it had already become clear that, especially during the pilots, several issues had occurred and which consequently need to be dealt with.

The purpose of the Final Conference was to disseminate the main results and outputs derived from the project’s completion. The final conference targeted stakeholders, professionals and students who would profit from this learning and exchange of relevant info. Speakers in the conference were mainly experts in the field of criminology and psychology from 6 different European countries.

Through an effective dissemination of the project results, we aimed to provide scientific knowledge and practical skills to professionals who work with marginalised youth with complex trauma backgrounds.