
Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry. Finland

Silta-Valmennusyhdistys is a non-profit association established in Tampere Finland in the year 2001.The primary task of the association is to increase social equality, participation and welfare by coaching and helping hard-to-employ people in overcoming their life's obstacles and to improve their ability to work and to function, and to find their place in society.

The main areas of Silta-Valmennusyhdistys work are youth work, participation, rehabilitation, education, work-integration, helping vulnerable groups towards open labour market and developing new working methods at local, and regional level.

Silta-Valmennusyhdistys offers various services to improve the vocational and studying abilities of its clients which mainly consist of vulnerable groups of people with partial work ability including marginalised youth, offenders, ex-offenders and people with drug addiction.

For more information, please visit:

Asociația Addictless Suceava - Addictless Association Suceava Romania

Our organisation is called Addictless Association Suceava, we are psychotherapists, and our main objective is the support, through free psychotherapy sessions, for persons who are struggling with mental health problems, including addiction. We founded the Addictless Association Suceava in 2018, seeing that many persons with mental illness are very emotionally affected. In our practice, we have carried out multiple campaigns in schools and high schools for information and prevention on addiction problems. We noticed the increased need to receive psychological support, for children and youth who have at least one addicted person in the family, but with the impossibility of their families being able to support the payment of specialised services. Our NGO uses the systemic approach of the co-dependent family, focusing on healing the children and youth in need, being unique in Romania. The services that the organisation's specialists provide matter to us because mental illnesses, including addiction, are a drama for the whole family. We provide psychotherapy services for persons dealing with mental health problems.

For more information, please visit:

Πύλη Ελευθερίας - Freedom Gate Greece

Freedom Gate Greece is a non-profit non-governmental (NGO) organisation which was founded in 2012 in Athens Greece. The purpose of the organisation according to its statutes is to combat any kind of social exclusion of vulnerable social groups, as well as the psycho-social support thereof. Freedom Gate Greece has a focus on work within the criminal justice system and particularly on offender rehabilitation and their reintegration into the labour market and the society in general as well as on support of offenders’ familial environments.

For more information, please visit:

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Meet Lab Italy

Mee tLab is an Italian sports association that was founded in 2018 by the desire to implement sports, recreational and cultural programs aimed at disadvantaged people in a sensitive area such as the suburbs of Turin. Following the increase in migration, the increase and recognition of disadvantaged groups (new poor, NEETS, nomads, the disabled, the elderly at risk of isolation), and the continuing challenges to adapt to an increasingly technological and intercultural world, a peripheral territory, and in some areas still unresponsive to new stimuli like that of the suburbs of Turin, expressed the need for novelty and preparation. The goal of Meet Lab is to offer citizens activities and programs that foster integration, inclusion and social cohesion, using sport as a main vehicle, but also culture, art in all its forms and the exchange between different subjects.

For more information, please visit:

Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων - University of Ioannina Greece

The University of Ioannina (UoI) has more than 21.000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 473 Members of Academic Staff and 135 members of Technical Laboratory Staff. The University's Administrative Services employ more than 280 highly qualified employees. There are a number of postgraduate study programs on offer, which combine teaching and research elements, both at Master's and Doctoral level. Approximately more than 2.000 students are involved in full-time study progressing to a Master's degree, while more than 2.200 students are currently pursuing their studies at Doctoral level. The University includes 24 Academic Departments operating in 11 Faculties, more than 50 research centres and laboratories as well as central services and infrastructures, all contributing in strengthening its education and research activities.

For more information, please visit:

Сдружение Обединени професионалисти за устойчиво развитие - United Professional for Sustainable Development Association Bulgaria

UPSDA is active in the field of Social Inclusion, Mental Health, and Education. Its main activities are aiming at professional and personal development of individuals and groups threatened from exclusion of the labour market, such as: NEET’s people, Youth and citizens from vulnerable and/or disadvantaged groups, including young offenders and prisoners, Roma people, addicted, people with dual diagnosis, mental health issues, and others endangered from social exclusion or already marginalised groups. We provide case-management, support and mentorship to persons at risk and their families, as well as support for specialists, practitioners and their organisations. We have positioned ourselves as experts in introducing new teaching and training approaches for empowerment of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. We believe training in knowledge and skills is an obligatory condition for social change.

For more information, please visit:

VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras ŽISPB - Human resources monitoring and development bureau Lithuania

VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras (ŽISPB) is a non-governmental non-profit organisation with 22 permanent staff members (director, social programs coordinators, project managers, social workers, youth workers, psychologists) and 10 volunteers who help organising activities implemented by the organisation. Our vision is to become a modern and open organisation, which, through innovative non-formal education methods, improves the competencies of vulnerable groups in society and the professionals who work with them, strengthens integration into the community and contributes to the development of social and psychological well-being. Organisation develops and implements various projects, initiatives and interventions at both national-local and transnational level, in collaboration with formal and non-formal education providers, research centres, associations, NGOs, social cooperatives, SMEs, training centres, local institutions, public services, schools, etc.

For more information, please visit: